Well 2017 is already shaping into some fun and I am putting on a Women in Horror short film night in Bristol in February. This is my celebration to Women in Horror month and showcasing some of the best from around the world in the horror scene. Feb 17th, £5, The Cube Cinema, Bristol. 8pm

Love & Loss a short film Melanie directed in September is currently in post production. The short is a cross over of two successful web series characters. Dear Jesus meets Shrink. Two women discuss life in a bar before realising what needs to change.

SWITCH my first short film is playing along with some other great British made horror short films in Berlin in January, at the wonderful Berlin British Short film festival. Screening at the Midnight Movies section. Thanks Berlin British shorts for playing all three shorts i’ve made! Happy 10th Anniverscary!

A bit late in blogging this but recently i was interviewed by Digital Film Makers magazine about being a Woman in Film. You can download the magazine here and read the full article -> http://dfmmag.com

This week I got to finally share the gorgeous Lounge Kittens video online , loved being able to shoot with an Arri Alexa again and with our little crew I think we did a great job!

I’ve been quite these last few months due to working flat out on a new ITV drama for Left Bank Pictures called ‘The Halcyon’ as a stand-by art director ( gotta pay those bills ) but on the odd day off I have been trying to keep up with little directing gigs. I was fortunate enough to do this fun little video about cat calling. I mixed in my passion for female superheros ( or lack of ) and made this on a crazy Saturday afternoon in East London in June with some friends. It’s even been blogged by Amanda Palmer! ace aye! Thanks Meow Meow’s!

The Herd for free online!
Last week through the animal charity Viva and White Lies The Herd went online for free. In a week we have had over 14.2k plays. Which is incredible! It is playing all over the world right now which is so wonderful. Thanks everyone!

Poster for the last public screening in the UK of The Herd at VegBar, Brixton, Jan 31st ! Also some other awesome award winning short films!

Currently perfecting the script for Covetous